That's right. I've been busy this week. It wasn't enough to pack up all my belongings into boxes and move them into a new house, I had to go and take a job that would keep me busy all week. I was able to live in my new house for a whopping one day (and two nights) before I quickly accepted a job on some commercials that took me down to Moab, Utah for a week.
I had never been to Moab before, and despite the bad timing right after the move (or the good timing if you're looking at it from a finacial standpoint) I really enjoyed being down there and seeing the sights.
I've always wanted to work on a western, and so far this commercial about a runaway stagecoach is the closest thing to that I've done. In fact, surrounded by the red-rock vistas of Moab, I thought it was really funny how our trucks and vehicles seemed out of place, yet the horses and the stagecoach seemed to fit right in to the surroundings.
It is actually a series of three commercials we are doing. One is western themed, one is filled with swash bucklers and the other is a sci-fi alien thing. They should be fun but I know I have another busy week in front of me. Since I'm working on these, I may not be able to blog regularly for a little bit.

It also seems like my millions of little projects in the new house may be put on hold for a little while as well. I do, however, always have time to talk TV.
I did get a chance to catch the premiere this week of the Amercain version of 'Life On Mars' and I would have to say it was pretty good. The episode I saw stayed very true to the original show, yet gave it a fun rough Amercan-cop sensibility. The addition of Harvey Kietel as the police captain in the 70's was actually a really good fit, although the same can not be said of 'Cosby Show' alum Lisa Bonet.
It has long been a dream of mine to have the majority of television shows on the air deal in some way directly or indirectly with time travel. With the addition of 'Life On Mars' I feel like I am on the way to seeing that goal realized. At current count I can think of six, 'Lost', 'The Sarah Connor Chronicles', 'Heroes', 'Battlestar Galatica' 'Eureka' and now 'Life On Mars'. It's a good start, although last year we also had the 'Quantum Leap' inspired 'Journeyman' and the 'Highlander' rip off 'New Amsterdam'. But I do think this year we're well on our way to conquering the airways with time travel!

All I can say is check out 'Life On Mars' this week if you haven't already.
I'll try and blog whenever I have time, but it's going to prove difficult because somehow in the move my computer decided to die. It's making a horrible clicking sound, which is basically telling me the enitre hard-drive is dead. It's sad to think of all the lost photos, music and programs I may have to deal with, but it is even worse to think about coming up with money to by a new computer. My computer dying right after getting into a new house, bad timing.