On the work front, I did spend some time working on some commercial spots for the 2010 winter Olympics, which while physically grueling ending up being moderately enjoyable and financially worthwhile (in fact, these commercials paid for the bathroom remodel--see how it's all connected). Here are some fun pics from the shoot:

But that's not really why you called. It's summertime, which as we all know is an excellent DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince song (from the hit-album 'Homebase'), but it is also the time for the so-called Summer Blockbusters (By the way; whatever happened to the Fresh Prince? We don't hear from him much anymore).

I really liked what I saw in the 'Wolverine' trailer, the spot led me to believe the film was a true origin story. I imagined Wolverine like Christopher Lambert in "The Highlander", wandering through time unable to get hurt or die, falling in love only to have that love taken away. It seemed like it would work.
Unfortunately, every part of the movie that I was looking forward to happened in an opening five minute montage. You're telling me in a montage that indestructible Wolverine fought in all major American wars, but you don't think maybe there is some story there to tell?

"Terminator Salvation" was also a waste of time. Did anybody involved in this film happen to watch the first two "Terminator" films? In the other Terminators (well, parts One and Two anyway) the stakes always seemed high, and you always believed that at any moment these killer robots would actually kill somebody. Mainly because they did kill people--they were Terminators! But when you make a Terminator film PG-13 instead of R, all of a sudden the unstoppable killing machines can't seem to kill anything.

What we had in "Terminator Salvation" is a watered down and boring version of a post-apocalyptic future. Sure there's killer robots, but unlike the other views of this future we have seen in the other films, the sun now comes out and we have some pretty nice-looking days. Gone are the black skies and rain, and endless lines of bleached human skulls being trampled by killing machines. This post "Judgment Day" world seems void of the dread we glimpsed in the other films. Now give me a whole movie set in that world, and I'll want to watch it.

Maybe that's the time travel angle, that this is actually a different future that the one we saw in the other films. In fact, I think the original "Judgment Day" was supposed to happen in 1997, which I guess I would've noticed if it had happened.
Speaking of time travel, if you haven't heard it by now the only movie of the summer so far not to disappoint is "Star Trek". I was really excited for this one and it did not let me down. I've seen it twice already (once on IMAX) and plan to go again soon.

I really liked the decision to take the characters everybody knows and loves, and then tell a whole new story about them. I hope I'm not giving anything away, but this "Star Trek" takes place in an alternate time-line than what we have seen on the the original TV series and the other films.
Some of the best "Star Trek" episodes and films involve time travel and alternate realities, and this movie incorporated those elements in a fascinating way (remember evil Spock from the episode "Mirror Image", it's like that--only way cooler).

Well, that post was longer than I anticipated. I guess I will have to post more often to stop from doing that. There are many other films this summer to see, some cool music that has come out lately, and there are always discussions to be had on the new Fall TV schedule. I hope to continue to share rants and raves until I don't have any left (which will probably be never).
Oh, hi there. I am glad you're back.
Well, it is about time!!! we look forward to all your reviews.
Thank heavens you have posted again - we need your guidance now more than ever! Good to know that I can miss Terminator. I still want to hear what you think of UP.
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