So whats new with me and more importantly in the world of popular culture? Well I returned from Florida with hours of TV to watch, but more importantly I found the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly in my mailbox. Check it out.

Ever since then it seems like every possible film franchise possibility has launched a 'prequel' to the character or story the audience is already familiar with. We had"Batman Begins" about the early days of the Capped Crusader, "Hannibal Rising" about a young Hannibal Lector, and even "Casino Royale" was a re-imagined relaunch of a younger James Bond, just starting out.

The Star Trek prequel should be fun because it is about the original crew, which in my opinion were always the best characters (Sorry Worf). Also, the idea of a young, brash Captain Kirk is great. We Star Trek fans were always teased with hints of Kirk's past, specifically the mention of Kirk's involvement with fixing the "Kobayashi Maru" test while he was at Starfleet Academy (See "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan"---No seriously, go see it--It's awesome!). Did I just out myself as a total cosmic Trekker? Oh well. In any case that young/arrogant Kirk was the one I always wanted to learn more about, and I'm hoping in this new film we may get to see it.

Another cool thing about this re-imagining of the Star Trek universe is that the one and only Simon Pegg will be playing Scotty (As in "Beam me up, Scotty"). I have long been a fan of Pegg since seeing the most terrific romantic comedy with zombies "Shawn of the Dead". The idea of having this guy be the comic relief on the Enterprise ship just sounds great. I mean, this is the same guy who almost stole 'Mission Impossible III" away from Tom Cruise.

I like that Sylar is Spak, that's cool. I liked your comment on my blog, I admit it threw me off for about 5 seconds, only because I have friends who really feel that way. Hope you're having a good week. How's the house going? Did you know I haven't seen it yet? Elise and I should stop by soon. Talk to you later....McKenna
Aren't you going to blog about Twilight? Just kidding.
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